
In 1992, I was REALLY into the business, and I went to every function, every rally, every major (4 of them) and all the group meetings, and new member recruitment meetings. Down below is an expense report of how much I spent over an entire year in this "Low Cost Business" which is the Big Lie. This and the next chart sample the year of 1992

1- I always paid this to "Cash" if I wrote a check-- So fishy. 0.00
CPI- Cost Per Item
Supporting the AMO
Supporting the AMO (didn't matter what year, I supported it more in the earlier years and less in the later) Cost Per 1 Number of instances Total Cost 1990 to 1994 are the years I was really into it.
Type of Expense CPI^ TimesPaidOut Total Cost
Double Tape12 26312.00
Single Tape626156.00
Book (2 or 3 a month)22 12264.00
Cost of Leadership1401140.00
Cost of Symposium (waste)45 145.00
Cost of Family Reunion1251125.00
Cost of FED45145.00
Lodging for each function 1254500.00
Food costs each function (avg)-- this includes local functions)1035350.00
Cost of Rally/Seminars put on by the emeralds (local event)1 1012120.00
Cost of Diamond showing the plan to new person5735.00
Food costs associated with other distributors & prospects1050 500.00
Product & Lit Decision Packs65301950.00
Lost Kits (or not paid for)1254500.00
Prospecting tapes 6125750.00
Additional Tapes to brainwash myself with (sngl)6 20120.00
Additional Tapes to brainwash myself with (dbl)12 18216.00
Total Damage: 1992 5878.00

Travel Expenses: in NMH "business'(1992)
(approximated, but pretty damned close)
Event   Round Trip CPT* #ofTrips** Total Cost
Product Pickup to Halls 4012.4052
To Opens 20 6.20 12 74.40
Going for Special Meetings to Halls 40 12.40 35 434.00
Sizzlers (weekly Friday meetings) 16 4.96 21 104.16
To Leadership (Santa Clara) 24 7.44 3 22.32
To Symposium(Sacramento) 360 111.60 1 111.60
To Family Reunion (Corte Madera) 900 279.00 1 279.00
To FED(Sacramento) 300 93.00 1 93.00
Avg travel to show the plan* 15 4.65 125 581.25
Travel Cost 1992 (NMH) 1763.28

Traveling in Codigas business (1994)
Event Round tripCPT* # of Trips**Total Cost
Product P/U7523.25451046.25
Special Meetings at Codiga7523.2518418.50
Accident as a result of coming back from Codiga1000.00 1000.00
Leadership (San Ramon)6821.08 242.16
Family Reunion (sacramento)380117.801117.80
Avg travel to show the plan15 4.65 10 46.50
Travel Cost 1994 (GMC)2869.30

**Approximate, give or take a few
*CPT= Cost Per Trip
, You could say that I was "really into the business from late 1988 to 1993 or 1994. Expenses were less in the early years cause I had no car but the AMO expenses were about the same. These expenses show when I was fully working, putting whatever money I could into the "System"