In 1992, I was REALLY into the business, and I went to every function, every rally, every major (4 of them) and all the group meetings, and new member recruitment meetings. Down below is an expense report of how much I spent over an entire year in this "Low Cost Business" which is the Big Lie. This and the next chart sample the year of 1992
CPI- Cost Per Item
Supporting the AMO |
Supporting the AMO (didn't matter what year, I supported it more in the earlier years and less in the later) Cost Per 1 Number of instances Total Cost
1990 to 1994 are the years I was really into it. |
Type of Expense |
CPI^ |
TimesPaidOut |
Total Cost |
Double Tape | 12 | 26 | 312.00 |
Single Tape | 6 | 26 | 156.00 |
Book (2 or 3 a month) | 22 | 12 | 264.00 |
Cost of Leadership | 140 | 1 | 140.00 |
Cost of Symposium (waste) | 45 | 1 | 45.00 |
Cost of Family Reunion | 125 | 1 | 125.00 |
Cost of FED | 45 | 1 | 45.00 |
Lodging for each function | 125 | 4 | 500.00 |
Food costs each function (avg)-- this includes local functions) | 10 | 35 | 350.00 |
Cost of Rally/Seminars put on by the emeralds (local event)1 | 10 | 12 | 120.00 |
1- I always paid this to "Cash" if I wrote a check-- So fishy. 0.00
Cost of Diamond showing the plan to new person | 5 | 7 | 35.00 |
Food costs associated with other distributors & prospects | 10 | 50 | 500.00 |
Product & Lit Decision Packs | 65 | 30 | 1950.00 |
Lost Kits (or not paid for) | 125 | 4 | 500.00 |
Prospecting tapes | 6 | 125 | 750.00 |
Additional Tapes to brainwash myself with (sngl) | 6 | 20 | 120.00 |
Additional Tapes to brainwash myself with (dbl) | 12 | 18 | 216.00 |
Total Damage: 1992 | | | 5878.00
Travel Expenses: in NMH "business'(1992) (approximated, but pretty damned close)
Event |
Round Trip |
CPT* |
#ofTrips** |
Total Cost |
Product Pickup to Halls | | 40 | 12.40 | 52 |
644.80 |
To Opens | | 20 | 6.20 | 12 | 74.40 |
Going for Special Meetings to Halls | | 40 | 12.40 | 35 | 434.00 |
Sizzlers (weekly Friday meetings) | | 16 | 4.96 | 21 | 104.16 |
To Leadership (Santa Clara) | | 24 | 7.44 | 3 | 22.32 |
To Symposium(Sacramento) | | 360 | 111.60 | 1 | 111.60 |
To Family Reunion (Corte Madera) | | 900 | 279.00 | 1 | 279.00 |
To FED(Sacramento) | | 300 | 93.00 | 1 | 93.00 |
Avg travel to show the plan* | | 15 | 4.65 | 125 | 581.25 |
Travel Cost 1992 (NMH) | | | | | 1763.28 |
Traveling in Codigas business (1994) |
Event |   | Round trip | CPT* | # of Trips** | Total Cost |
Product P/U | | 75 | 23.25 | 45 | 1046.25 |
Special Meetings at Codiga | | 75 | 23.25 | 18 | 418.50 |
Accident as a result of coming back from Codiga | | | 1000.00 | | 1000.00 | |
Leadership (San Ramon) | | 68 | 21.08 | 2 | 42.16 |
Symposiummm(Sacramento) | | 380 | 117.80 | 1 | 117.80 |
Family Reunion (sacramento) | | 380 | 117.80 | 1 | 117.80 |
FED(sacramento) | | 380 | 117.80 | 1 | 117.80 |
Avg travel to show the plan | | 15 | 4.65 | 10 | 46.50 |
Travel Cost 1994 (GMC) | | | | | 2869.30 |
**Approximate, give or take a few
*CPT= Cost Per Trip
, You could say that I was "really into the business from late 1988 to 1993 or 1994. Expenses were less in the early years cause I had no car but the AMO expenses were about the same. These expenses show when I was fully working, putting whatever money I could into the "System"