Here you will find links to previous work I have done (content, and websites worked on 1, my background in the IT field (spans about 15 years)
and various other experiences I have.
Some sites may no longer be in existence, but I have all the work associated with them.
Also, a lighter edge, there are my interests, places and pictures I have been to, (I have benefitted by knowing people)
An attempt at a travel log, and telling you my whereabouts(to a certain degree, since I never seem to stay in one place long enough to grow roots)
As far as work, I am always available for independent work, regarding websites (I have background with mySQL/PHP scripting) and 10+ years of Microsoft Access
/Excel, with coding down to VBA, and macros. I travel with my own laptop, so I can do work from wherever my travels lead to.
Thanks for looking, hope to see you again soon.